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    Communication Skills & Graduate Employment Opportunities

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 4 / Words 964
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 35

    This presentation is going to show the importance of communication skills in getting employment opportunities and interacting with others, making them influential. It will also highlight several graduate employment opportunities that individuals can pursue by enhancing creativity, communication, and other skills. If you're looking to sharpen your skills further and need support, our Essay Help service is here to assist you with high-quality, professional writing tailored to your academic needs.

    Effective communication skills applicable to academic and professional context

    Communication skills refer to the ability to communicate, exchanging different types of information in an efficient manner. To understand information and views of others as well as make listeners understand their own views shows an effective communication skill. It plays an important role in all fields, especially in a professional context.

    Having an effective skill for educators is vital, as it can help them out in teaching to young learners. Teaching to young learners is quite difficult, which requires patience, and with the help of listening skills, verbal and non-verbal skills, an educator or professional can provide excellent teaching services to learners. In other professions and job roles, communication skills play an important role. For example: A marketing manager is mainly responsible for attracting wider range of customers by influencing them about company's products. They require to make them aware of products' features, and for this purpose, they require to have effective influencing and communication skills. The way of talking and the way of listening to customers' queries make them able to accomplish their goals.

    It can also be said that communication skills is not only limited or associated with speaking and listening but are all about body language, facial expression, gestures, etc. All these factors plays an important role as it helps an individual to improve its communication skill and make them able to talk and listen efficiently. Tone of voice, pitch is important for educator to keep in mind while teaching and speaking to children. An educator or other professional is required to use all those words which have pleasing sound and can make listener influenced and respected.

    Importance of communication skills: An individual or professional constantly interact with other people and expresses their views. For making listener understand that what a speaker want to say, it is important to have communication skills. Lack of communication skills and tone of voice can decrease relationship between employers and employees. Misunderstanding sometimes become the reason of conflicts and poor products quality, which can create other problems. So, it can be said that communication skill are essential in academic and professional context.

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    Graduate employment opportunities in the future

    An individual can get several employment opportunities in the required field if he/she has knowledge and different skills such as communication, problem solving, decision-making, time management, and teamwork. There are several opportunities available in the future for graduate people who have different skills.

    In addition, for future employment opportunities, it can also be said that technology is giving new career paths to people. On the other hand, with increasing use of technology, some jobs have disappeared or replaced human resources with machines. But if an individual have effective professional, creativity, critical thinking, interdisciplinary and mental elasticity skills, then he/she can get effective employment opportunities, like a job in marketing field, as an educator, HR manager, etc. Technology has given birth to new industries, which is increasing competition and for competing with other companies, organization are searching employees who have effective creativity and communication skills. There are several reasons which show importance of skills in getting employment opportunities in the future, as well as some job opportunities, such as:

    Land a job: Communication and creativity skills can help an individual land an interview and get that job. In the interview process, interviewer identify whether interviewee has ability to articulate all knowledge which he/she possesses or not. With the help of communication and creativity and by giving all answers, an individual can get employment opportunities. After selecting in the first interview process, employees are required to prove themselves their worth everyday by interacting with customers, colleagues and managers. On the other hand, creativity skills help them out in performing activities in an efficient manner and improve their productivity.

    Meet employer's need: It is one of the important factor which companies consider while employing people at work. For individuals and graduates, it is important to have all those skills by which they can satisfy needs of customers, as satisfied customers are the key to the success of the business. With the help of problem-solving, communication and creativity skills, an employee can make her/himself prove that he/she has ability to get promotion and desired job in the future.

    So, from the above, it can be said that with skills and knowledge, an individual can get employment opportunities in the future.

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    From the above presentation, it has been summarized that communication and other skills played a vital role in getting employment opportunities in the future. Communication, creativity and other skills make an individual able to perform activities efficiently and prove his/her worth. It has also shown some resources by which people find out academic and employment opportunities.

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